An n-valued multimap is a continuous multivalued function φ : X ⊸ Y such that φ(x) is an unordered subset of n points of Y for each x ∈ X. If X and Y are finite polyhedra, then φ induces a graded homomorphism of homology with rational coefficients. For φ : X ⊸ X the Lefschetz number L(φ) of φ is defined to be the Lefschetz number of the induced homomorphism. If L(φ) 6= 0, then every n-valued multimap homotopic to φ has a fixed point. If X is the circle, then the Lefschetz number of φ is related to the Nielsen number N(φ) of Schirmer as in the single-valued case, that is, N(φ) = |L(φ)|. Subject Classificaton 55M20; 55N25
منابع مشابه
A multifunction φ : X ( Y is n-valued if φ(x) is an unordered subset of n points of Y for each x ∈ X. The (continuous) n-valued multimaps φ : S ( S are classified up to homotopy by an integer-valued degree. In the Nielsen fixed point theory of such multimaps, due to Schirmer, the Nielsen number N(φ) of an n-valued φ : S ( S of degree d equals |n − d| and φ is homotopic to an n-valued power map ...
The Nielsen number for n-valued multimaps, defined by Schirmer, has been calculated only for the circle. A concept of n-valued fiber map on the total space of a fibration is introduced. A formula for the Nielsen numbers of n-valued fiber maps of fibrations over the circle reduces the calculation to the computation of Nielsen numbers of single-valued maps. If the fibration is orientable, the pro...
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From the KKM theorem for the “closed” and “open” valued cases, we deduce a generalization of the Alexandroff–Pasynkoff theorem, existence theorems for almost fixed points of lower semicontinuous multimaps, and a partial solution of the Ben-El-Mechaiekh conjecture.
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We establish the existence of a best proximity pair for which the best proximity set is nonempty for a finite family of multimaps whose product is either an Ac -multimap or a multimap T : A → 2 such that both T and S ◦ T are closed and have the KKM property for each Kakutani multimap S : B → 2. As applications, we obtain existence theorems of equilibrium pairs for free n-person games as well as...
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